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Friday, January 28, 2011

The ABC Shooter

What goes great with any meal? A shooter! The food (or DRINK) item featured today is The ABC Shooter. There is a reason that it has such a name. The ingredients include: Amaretto (bottom), Bailey's (middle), and Cointreau (top). Because of the differing densities of these three liqueurs, they layer perfectly in a shot glass.

For the purposes of this shot, it is best made when you use the above named ingredients. But, if you are more budget-minded in these hard economic times, you could skimp a little bit on the ingredients. You could use a cheaper amaretto instead of Disaronno. You could also use any brand of Irish Cream, instead of Bailey's. Lastly, you could use plain Triple Sec (orange liqueur) instead of the luxurious Cointreau. In any of these cases, try it how it is to be intended. Then, feel free to vary it any way that you would like. This shot tastes, to say it plainly, like chocolate. The Irish Cream and the amaretto play well together like toddlers in a sandbox. The Cointreau adds a nice, light twist to it that keeps it away from the heavy side. I wouldn't say that it is fruity, but it definitely makes it have a "lighter" taste to it. Overall, a great shooter. As for now, Cheers!

Price: ~$2.00
Grade: B+

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Walking S'more at the Pearl Ice Cream Parlor in La Crosse, WI

You have to treasure the simple things in life. I was in La Crosse, Wisconsin a few months ago, October 8, 2010 to be exact. I was walking with a very special lady of mine and we stopped at a local ice cream parlor. It was called the Pearl Ice Cream Parlor. I was there getting some sort of ice cream concoction and I noticed all of the chocolate and sweets that they sold there. One of the specific things inside the counter that intrigued me the most was what they called The Walking S'more. As we all know, NON-walking s'mores contain graham crackers, a marshmallow and chocolate. In the walking s'more, it is a little bit different. It is a marshmallow, stabbed with a pretzel stick, dipped in chocolate, rolled in graham cracker crumbs. It is truly magnificent. I must say that it was incredibly delicious. You wouldn't think that something so simple would be so awesome. I only bought one, but should have bought x1000. If you are in La Crosse any time soon, don't hesitate to stop by this place and grab some ice cream and some sweets. You will sure not regret the stop.

Price: $0.75
Grade: A